Consolidating (Your Links May Change)

From the beginning, events on NPA have been posted as individual peices of content, with one copy of each race in the database per year.  I’ve scaled back from everything that was originally planned, though, and this no longer makes sense.  Taking a cue from Northland Runner, I’m in the process of consolidating events into one page per event, and then updating the dates and locations as needed.  So if you end up here from a link that doesn’t work, you can probably still find the event.

For the historians in the group, you’ll also be able to see revisions of each event to see what has changed (in this database at least) from year to year.

If you need to update an event and you don’t have access, post a new one and I can consolidate them manually.  I’m in the process of making this easier to do so bad links don’t end up on Twitter.

Questions and comments: As always, please email me at or tweet at @nplainsathletes.