Sharrows on University pass City Council

Read the Herald report here:

But council member Tyrone Grandstrand called for the several bicyclists who attended the meeting to speak and say why they want sharrows on University as opposed to other roads.
The four cyclists who spoke said they’ll bike on University Avenue with or without sharrows, because it’s the fastest, most direct path between UND and downtown.
Council member Ken Vein said if the bicyclists are using University anyway, the city might as well make it safer.

More on this later.  The Northern Star Cycling Club was tweeting some of the more interesting commentary from the meeting, but I didn’t audio record it this time.

Update: The official video from the city council meeting is up.  Direct download item 4.14.

GFK City Council to Vote on Sharrows/Bike Lanes along University Ave

Meeting is Monday, 17 March 2014, at 5:30 PM at Grand Forks City Hall.
People who ride bicycles: We think sharrows will pass, but anyone who can show up, please do.  Other worries are that intersection treatments at University/Columbia and University/Washington have still not been addressed as part of this process.

Here is the council packet for this agenda item.

Here are the minutes from the 3/11 Service/Safety Committee meeting.  (Interesting also that a mysterious bike lane has shown up along 47th Ave S, for which nobody is claiming responsibilty)

I’ll leave you with this, which is a public comment submitted to the survey put out by the Greenway & Trail Users Group (click for larger):