In case you want more out of your yweather script when you use it for Geektool, here are some other switches you can use:
I’ve figured out some of it, so I guess my only tip is to not try to use more than one argument at a time (except as shown below with the units example) and therefore to use a bunch of geeklets if you want to show a lot of information.
Also, I believe that ‘weather.png’ in the images folder is the current weather, so you should be able to show it using an image geeklet.
Yahoo Weather Information
./ -ct Displays current temperature
In case you want more out of your yweather script when you use it for Geektool, here are some other switches you can use:
I’ve figured out some of it, so I guess my only tip is to not try to use more than one argument at a time (except as shown below with the units example) and therefore to use a bunch of geeklets if you want to show a lot of information.
Also, I believe that ‘weather.png’ in the images folder is the current weather, so you should be able to show it using an image geeklet.
Yahoo Weather Information
./ -ct Displays current temperature
-lc City
-lr Region
-lt Country
-cc Weather Code (used for images)
-ct Current Temperature
-cw Current Weather Description
-cd Current Date
-ah Current Humidity
-av Current Visibilty
-ap Current Barometric Pressure
-ar Change in Barometric Pressure
-sr Time of Sunrise
-ss Time of Sunset
-wc Current Wind Chill
-wd Current Wind Direction
-ws Current Wind Speed
-ut Temperature Unit
-ud Distance Unit
-up Pressure Unit
-us Speed Unit
-fd1 Today's Day
-fg1 Today's Date
-fl1 Today's Low Temp
-fh1 Today's High Temp
-ft1 Today's Description
-fc1 Today's Weather Code
-fd2 Tomorrow's Day
-fg2 Tomorrow's Date
-fl2 Tomorrow's Low Temp
-fh2 Tomorrow's High Temp
-ft2 Tomorrow's Description
-fc2 Tomorrow's Weather Code
--copyimage Copy Appropriate Image to Current Image (deprecated)
--update Update xml source file
All data is returned without units. To get data with units,
use a combination of commands.
Example: (Displays Current temperature with unit)
./ -ct && ./ -ut