Uniting the Climbing Community

Attention climbing gym managers!  Let’s collaborate and schedule next year.  I’d like to see two regional series, one each in the spring and the fall.  This doesn’t have to be formal, but the fewer date conflicts there are, the more climbing everyone gets to do.

This plan is focused on the North Dakota-South Dakota-Minnesota-Manitoba region, but obviously if there are competitions that are outside the edges of this region that will pull climbers away, we need to take that into account as well.

What you need to do:
1.  Look over this list.  If you see a comp I missed, mention it in the comments (and provide a link if you know it).
2.  Grab a weekend in the comments.  Make sure to include your email address so we can all contact each other.  If there is another kind of event near you that might draw away your climbers, keep that in mind.
3.  Comment about what you think will work and won’t.
3.  Send other managers to this page to do the same thing.

Obviously, none of this is binding, but again it seems silly to have comps within weekend travel distance that fall on the same day.  I’m posting this to get the momentum going before next year rolls around, but if someone wants to jump in and be “in charge,” feel free.  I’ll keep this page updated as I find out more, or you can check the official list of future comps here at NPA.

– Matt

Comps that happened in 2012:
February 11 – SDSU (Brookings) (toprope)
February 17-19 – Festiglace (Winnipeg) (ice)
April 14 – NHRG (Grand Forks) (toprope)
April 21 – Vertical Endeavors (Minneapolis) (toprope)
April 28 – UND (Grand Forks) (toprope)

October 20 – NDSU (Fargo) (toprope)
October 20 – Boulders (Madison) (boulder)
October 27 – Vertical Endeavors (St. Paul) (boulder)
November 10 – NHRG (Grand Forks) (toprope)
November 10 – Vertical Adventures (Winnipeg) (toprope)
November 10 – MN Climbing Coop (Minneapolis) (boulder)

Comps scheduled for 2013 (when other things are happening):
Jan 5 Sat
Jan 12 Sat
Jan 19 Sat
Jan 26 Sat
Feb 2 Sat
Feb 9 Sat
Feb 16 Sat – Vertical Endeavors Passion for Flashin’ (St. Paul)
Festiglace (Winnipeg)
Feb 23 Sat
Mar 2 Sat
Mar 9 Sat
Mar 16 Sat
Mar 23 Sat – SDSU Spring Cling (Brookings)
Mar 30 Sat
Apr 6 Sat –
Apr 13 Sat – NHRG Escape the Horizontal XIII (Grand Forks)
– Vertical Adventures Brass Monkey (Winnipeg)
Apr 20 Sat – Vertical Endeavors Spring SCS Comp (Minneapolis) (comment)
– NDSU Rocky Balboulder (Fargo) (email 2012-12-12)
– UND Dirty 30 (Grand Forks)
Apr 21 Sun – UMD’s 22nd annual Concrete Smorgasbord (Duluth) (comment)
Apr 27 Sat – Boulders (Madison)
May 4 Sat
May 11 Sat
May 18 Sat
May 25 Sat
Jun 1 Sat
Jun 8 Sat
Jun 15 Sat
Jun 22 Sat
Jun 23 Sun
Jun 29 Sat
Jul 6 Sat
Jul 13 Sat
Jul 20 Sat
Jul 27 Sat
Aug 3 Sat
Aug 10 Sat
Aug 17 Sat
Aug 24 Sat
Aug 31 Sat
Sep 7 Sat
Sep 14 Sat
Sep 21 Sat
Sep 28 Sat
Oct 5 Sat
Oct 12 Sat
Oct 19 Sat
Oct 26 Sat
Nov 2 Sat
Nov 9 Sat
Nov 16 Sat
Nov 23 Sat
Nov 30 Sat
Dec 7 Sat
Dec 14 Sat
Dec 21 Sat
Dec 28 Sat

November 29th: Public input meetings to improve traffic on University Avenue

“The Grand Forks-East Grand Forks Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will hold a public input meeting from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., on Thursday, Nov. 29, at the River Valley Room in the University of North Dakota Memorial Union, 2901 University Ave., to provide draft recommendations to improve traffic on University Avenue.”


Previous discussions about University Avenue on this blog can be found here.

The main Area Voices discussion (Grand Forks Herald website comments) I have found is here.

One of my tweets featured at 99U

I tossed this one out there because I thought it was a lot of fun at the 2009 North American Paleontological Conference.  They were looking for looking for creative ways to mingle–so props to the student group at NAPC for being creative!

The blog post is just a bunch of tweets, but it’s nice to see mine on the list, you know?

99U | The 1 Question You Can Answer To Help Us Improve The 99U Conference


“Share the Road” Meeting

The Greenway & Trail Users Advisory group will be discussing “Share the Road” programs at their October 9 meeting. They meet at 7 PM at the GF Park District, 1210 – 7th avenue south. This meeting is open to residents of GF & EGF and is a place to discuss trails, outdoor recreation, and meet other outdoor enthusiasts. Check www.greenwayggf.com for more info.

From Engage the Forks at  http://www.engagetheforks.com/what-bugs-you/making-roadways-safer-for-drivers-and-cyclists.

Engage the Forks on MindMixer

Schaefs has mentioned MindMixer a time or two before in reference to Fargo.  The idea is that the city of Grand Forks could get suggestions and feedback about what is working and what isn’t, take stock of what seems important to people, and adjust things accordingly.

Now Grand Forks has one: Engage the Forks.  Will it work?  I’m cautiously optimistic.  If the site doesn’t become overrun with people who are negative about every single thing in their lives, and if the people who are supposed to be watching the site are, in fact, watching it, it could bring some great ideas forward.  I’ll be giving it a whirl.

I should note that this idea is nothing new, and even the MindMixer site design is just a rehash of the standard online message board/forum structure: there are message boards delineating the major topic groups (“categories”), sub-boards (“topics”) and the actual posts (“idea submissions”).  Posts are graded according to who agrees and/or comments on them, etc.  It’s interesting how different marketing of the features makes people more likely to use the system, and I wonder that if UND becomes more involved in Engage the Forks, will it become what http://talk.campusdakota.com (or even the defunct VoiceUND) was supposed to be?

Finally. Grand Forks Herald Endorses Mixed-Use Development

One major tenet of the complete streets movement is the promotion of mixed-use development, i.e., avoiding the “suburbia” problem by allowing dense residential and commercial space to be developed in the same area.  Gobal population and economic centers such as New York City, London, and Tokyo are prime examples of this model: build large buildings, put commercial space on the ground floor, and let people live upstairs.  The model is even mentioned in the Broadway show Rent, as Benny attempts to stop Maureen’s protest: “with condos on the top / whose rent keeps open our shops…”

The ubiquity of strip malls was mentioned to me before I moved to Grand Forks, almost seven years ago now.  With downtown gutted by the flood, developers moved to building commercial space wherever they could, as cheaply as possible, which resulted in a number of single-story strip malls built in commercial areas.  When I got here, I was surprised: why build single-story when you could build even higher and include apartments?  Nowhere does this seem sillier to me than north of the Ralph Engelstad Arena, where there are two strip malls taking up what could be some of the most valuable space “owned” by the University of North Dakota.  Dinkytown it ain’t, and even North Dakota State University has denser buildings on the edge of campus.

All of this brings me to this morning.  Just weeks after the announcement and positive review of a second WalMart (in a town of 55,000) by the powers-that-be, the Grand Forks Herald drops a bomb by coming out in favor of mixed-use development–and due to an online comment, no less.  I’ll skip past further expressions of shock.  Although the editorial sees mixed-use zoning as a way to alleviate the housing shortage, the additional implications are also positive for complete streets: reduction in the time/distance to commercial areas = reduction in miles driven (or even driving at all) = less traffic = safer-feeling streets = more people using alternative transportation = more people at “eye level” for businesses* = more economic activity = etc.

Is it possible in Grand Forks?  In Tom Dennis’ own words: “Well, let’s find out. The point is that it’s a fresh idea, one that the city now can set about exploring. And that kind of exploration is exciting because it’s the way problems get solved.”

OUR OPINION: Apartments on 32nd? Why not?
(A copy of the article is available on request.)

Using R to Create a Winner-Takes-All Raster from Point Data


I am to the point in my dissertation where I need to summarize a fair amount of data.  The full data structure will be in the final manuscript, but for now suffice it to say that I am storing data as latitude/longitude pairs in a flat-file database (and using Panorama Sheets to query and modify it as needed).  Point data can be exported from this database as a CSV (actually tab-separated) file and converted to a shapefile in QGIS.

For this project, the globe is divided into 1×1 degree cells.  Each cell in my study area contains at least one vector point in my locality shapefile (exported from te database, above).  Many cells contain multiple points, each of which may represent a locality interpreted as representing a different paleoenvironment than the others.  I am using R to summarize these data points into a raster for each time slice I wish to study.

The method below emplys a winner-takes-all method, which is to say that during conversion from point data to raster, the points within each cell are evaluated for the values in the field ‘env_id’ (environment ID number, since we can’t use text in a raster), and the most frequent value of ‘env_id’ “wins” the cell and becomes the value burned into the output raster.

### Converting a point shapefile (with environment in numeric
### field env_id) into a raster
### Winner-takes-all.

# Load libraries for raster, maptools and mode

# Read in the locality point shapefile

# Make the base raster.
basegrid<-raster(ncols=360, nrows=180);

# Create a subset for the age you are looking at

# Convert the locality shapefile to raster.  Use the most frequent
# value of numeric field 'env_id'.
r<-rasterize(locs_subset, basegrid, field='env_id', fun=function(x, ...){mfv(x)[1]});

# View the plot (centered on SA)

# View the plot (all)
# plot(r);

# Write the raster to file
writeRaster(r,"10 Ma.gtiff","GTiff");


Output from R looks something like the top image, and can be manipulated as any other raster in QGIS etc.  Scale bar shows the numeric values used to represent different paleoenvironments in the raster; it’s not actually a continuous scale but I didn’t have a need to change the default R output.

Additional notes:

  • In rasterize(), to use a function other than the ones enumerated in the docs, it needs to be defined within the call to rasterize() is used above and here.
  • One example of reading in shapefile data to R is here.
  • I learned about package modeest here.