Hack Grand Forks – 311

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and finally took a few evenings to do it. I built a Mastodon bot that toots each Grand Forks 311 request: https://botsin.space/@hackgfk_311. It also crossposts at https://twitter.com/hackgfk_311.

The code can be found at https://github.com/mattbk/hack-grand-forks. Yes, I built it in R.

Mastodon toots from @hackgfk_311.

Why “hack”? In the sense that this is information that should be more available to people, and I’m making it more available without going to a separate location. Perhaps something good can come of it.

GIS: Raster cell centroids as vector points with GDAL and R

Short intro: I’m using raster data for part of my dissertation, but I’m storing the paleoenvironment data in a database as the latitude and longitude of the center of each grid cell. This lets me query my environment localities, add new ones, and make specific datasets.

Sometimes I take existing maps of other people’s environmental interpretations and digitize them, leaving me with vector polygon data. I need to convert the polygons into the same kind of data I’ve been storing. This is surprisingly hard in both QGIS and GDAL alone, so I finally figured out how to do it in R today courtesy of Simbamangu over at StackExchange.

See the attached images for how things look at each stage.

Below are the general terminal commands, first in GDAL and then R. I will try to add more rationalization and explanation later. My operating system is Mac OS X but these should be modifiable.

GDAL in your terminal

gdal_rasterize -at -where 'freshwater = 1' -a freshwater -ts 360 180 -te -180 -90 180 90 -l "source_layer_name_in_shapefile" "shapefile.shp" "output_raster.tif"
Produces a geoTiff of your input polygons where the attribute ‘freshwater’ is equal to ‘1’. For more detail I invite you to read the GDAL documentation, it’s quite good.


To run through a single file:
# load necessary libraries

# Load the raster from a file
r <- raster("rastername.tif") # Convert to spatial points p <- as(r, "SpatialPointsDataFrame") # Set name of column of raster values for later use names(p)[1]<-"value" # Get only the values we want (values above zero) in that column psubset<-subset(p,p$value>0);

# Save as a shapefile (extension appended automatically)
writeSpatialShape(psubset, "outputfile");

You can also loop through a directory:
# load necessary libraries

# Set working directory

# list all .tif files in working directory
for (file in dir(pattern="*.tif")) {
r <- raster(file); p <- as(r, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"); # Set name of column of raster values names(p)[1]<-"value"; # Get only the values we want (values above zero) psubset<-subset(p,p$value>0);

# Make a new filename
oldname<-substr(file, start = 1, stop = nchar(file) -4); newname<-paste(oldname,"pts",sep=" "); # Make a shapefile writeSpatialShape(psubset, newname) ; # Make a CSV file # Convert to data frame so you can drop extra columns psubsetdf<-as.data.frame(psubset) write.table(psubsetdf[,c(2,3)],file=paste(newname,".csv",sep=""),sep=",", row.names=FALSE); }

Merging 2 or more SMF Forums

I suppose I will throw it out there that I have figured out how to do this. It worked very well, although I still need to eliminate duplicate members by hand (there does not seem to be a way to merge the accounts offhand, but for what I did, I didn’t have to worry about it). You can see the results at Campus Dakota – Forums for university students at UND and NDSU.

I will do this for other people, if they pay me, price negotiable. This is about all ther advertising I am going to do for it though–I’m busy enough right now as it is, but I need money too.

UPDATE: Since I keep getting requests at SMF, I just posted the script. If you like it, please drop me a line (and maybe a dollar or two for all the time I saved you). Look at the script here.