Selecting Wells without a Zone in Techlog

Open the Zones Inventory (under Quick Data Mining).  You’ll get a list of zone names.  Find the one of interest.  The two columns “Wells where present” and “Wells where absent” are magic–if you right-click, you can filter (“Project filter”) to show (in the Project Browser) only the wells listed in those cells.

An additional tip is that the Zones Inventory is dynamic with the Project Browser, so if you filter in the Project Browser to only show one group of wells, then click the Refresh button the Zones Inventory window, you’ll get results only from that group.

Quick idea for keeping track of file name abbreviations

I like to keep my file names short for several reasons: to make it easier to see the whole name at a glance, to make saving new files simpler, to allow room for additional characters when exporting new versions from different applications, and to (yes, still) deal with applications that have a set limit on the number of characters they will read or write from a file name.  

This leads me to abbreviate, and since I often end up with a few dozen files in the same folder with a bunch of different abbreviation combinations, I’ve come up with this trick to make sure I don’t forget things: add a few empy folders (or files, if you wish) as a key at the top of your directory.  In OS X, you can put a space at the beginning of the file name to force it to the top; in Windows I think you need to use an underscore.  So finally, in an image that is worth more than all the words I’ve just put down, here is an example.


Exporting from Panorama Sheets

I just started playing with Panorama Sheets, which is a cheaper (and lower-power) version of Panorama, but which does exactly what I want: combines a spreadsheet interface with database-querying capabilities. At the moment, I don’t need the other functions of the full version of Panorama, so I may purchase this software after my trial runs out. I’ve seen a few glitches so far, one of them being that while in the Export Wizard (File->Export Text…), clicking on the “Export Text” button results in an “Error resolving alias.” error. Luckily, this can be solved by selecting the Export->Export to Text File… menu item. An additional problem I ran into is that the encoding is weird when trying to open this file in OpenOffice Calc, so it was easiest to open the text file, copy the contents, and paste into Calc, which will bring up a dialog box you can use to select your delimiter, etc.


Totally ignoring (skipping) a page in LaTeX

To include a dedication page in my thesis, I have to not number the page and not include the page in the numbering scheme. That is, if the dedication is on the 10th page of the thesis, the page before is numbered ix and the page after is numbered x.

To do this, use the \addtocounter command to add a negative value to the page counter when you start the page, and then don’t print the page number with \thispagestyle{empty}.

My dedication page:

\chapter*{} %blank chapter, no title, not included in table of contents
\thispagestyle{empty} %no page number
\addtocounter{page}{-1} %ignore this page when counting
\vspace{2.5in} %start the dedication halfway down
\begin{center} %center everything
\hl{Dedication} %the wonderful words


Source: Help On LaTeX \addtocounter: “\addtocounter{counter}{value}”


Note [QGIS tip]

To delete something in the print composer in QGIS, the correct key combination on a Mac (after selecting what you want to delete) is fn-delete, NOT just delete. It took me days to figure this out. I like the program because I think it has promise, but the lack of documentation and certain useful buttons is rather annoying.