Traditional dispersal: A pair of goats wanders over a mountain.
Geodispersal: A mountain wanders under a pair of goats.
[publication] A new occurrence of /Protichnites/ Owen, 1852, in the Late Cambrian Potsdam Sandstone of the St. Lawrence Lowlands
BURTON-KELLY, M.E. and J.M. ERICKSON. 2010. A new occurrence of Protichnites Owen, 1852, in the Late Cambrian Potsdam Sandstone of the St. Lawrence Lowlands. The Open Paleontology Journal 3:1-13.
You can download a PDF from here 1MB. You can follow this publication on or ResearchGate.
Making SFTP work
Beyond creating a new user, you need to add their name to the bottom of /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
AllowUsers user1 user2 user3
Restart SSH:
# /etc/init.d/ssh restart
Ubuntu and Time Capsule
Looks like they’ve fixed the problem with SMB shares breaking. This fstab entry is currently working for me:
# Athena on Puck /media/Athena cifs auto,user,pass=password_goes_here,nounix,noserverino,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
Ubuntu version 9.10
EDIT: At first I had the relevant line commented out (//), sorry about that. “” is the IP address of your Time Capsule. Make sure your firewall will allow access on the correct port (set in Time Capsule setup on the Mac).
People weird me, but I like this guy
I can’t figure this out. When I read the article, it seemed to say that bikes and pedestrians would be accommodated in roadway design. This sounds reasonable to me, since I pay taxes for the roads(state and federal income tax, sales tax, property tax, and yes, even gas taxes, vehicle registration, etc.) and I want to be able to walk and bike safely. However, I find that many roads were not designed with safe walking and biking in mind, even though by law cyclists and pedestrians are allowed to use nearly all roads except for limited access highways.
When I read some of the comments, though, it was almost as if many people had read a different article. I don’t know what that one said, but apparently it was about banning motorized vehicles, or closing roads to motorized vehicles. I went back and read the article, and there is just nothing in it that suggests anything like that.
There is a quote from a lobbyist that this new approach would be an economic disaster. It almost sounded like he was responding to a different proposal than the one in the article, too. Apparently, he thought that trucks would be banned from using the road system. I usually don’t pay too much attention to lobbyists in general, though, because they tend to whine and exagerate whenever they feel threatened.
So this is all very strange. Maybe someone can explain why the article I saw didn’t say any of those negative things about getting rid of cars. I follow these issues, and I’ve never heard anyone propose or support such a thing.
Tue, 04/06/2010 – 23:16
No time to comment, but:
The thesis my thesis adviser wouldn’t let me do in grad school was on how Americans were beginning to believe their myths; how we were deifying our great inventors instead of learning how they actually did it. Productive innovation is the result of learning all you can, parking the seat of your pants in a chair and mastering the intricate and subtle details, doing experiments, keeping records and constantly asking what step to take next to achieve the desired goal. It typically means developing a wide-ranging knowledge.
– Jumper
[activity] Raced in END-IT 2010
My perspective of the race.
Swish-e Notes
swish-e.conf goes in the directory being indexed.
.swishcgi.conf goes in /usr/lib/cg-bin to tell swish.cgi which index to use.
.htaccess is used to allow an alias of swish.cgi to exist in the directory being indexed.
.htaccess also prevents unauthorized access with a password.
Remember to allow .htaccess files to override the apache config files.
There is a doc file that I named swish.cgi help.txt that is available with perl doc.
Some links:
2009 Collegiate Road Season
Last year’s road season summary video.
ArcGIS and Parallels on a Mac
Fun fact: if you’re copying GIS data from a CD onto your Mac to use in ArcGIS through Parallels, you need to copy from the CD onto the virtual C:\ drive, not one of the networked Mac folders. Of course you need to also set everything as not read-only afterward as well, but it seemed to have been the networking that was causing me problems.