Bored? Run a Spatial Analysis!

I’m not bored, so I won’t be today.  Someone could, however, look at the early success of the Great Rides Fargo bikeshare program and compare:

  • the footprint of the stations, according to population density versus Grand Forks (or the nearby city of your choice)
  • the footprint of the stations, according to how much area it would cover in Grand Forks (or the nearby city of your choice)

That might be enough to start thinking seriously about bikeshare in other areas.  Why not Grand Forks (another great hashtag)?  Why not Winnipeg?


Sometimes, I read an article about awesome things happening somewhere else–usually in a smaller town in the northern midwest.  At such times, I exclaim “come on, Grand Forks!”  

This is one of those times.  #comeongrandforks.