Did some quick looking for information on Summits on the Air (SOTA), a ham radio contest to make contacts while either you or your contact are standing on top of a summit (mountain peak, usually) and highpointing, which is a hiking contest to stand on all the high points in a given set of jurisdictions (continents, counties, US states, US counties, etc.). Links below.
- https://www.sotamaps.org/ maps to help you find official SOTA summits, although determining which association you belong to is not especially clear. Minnesota is association K0M and North/South Dakota are association W0D.
- https://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/en/ SOTAwatch is a good place to let people know what peak you’ll be on so they can try to contact you
- SOTA summits in North Dakota and South Dakota: https://summits.sota.org.uk/region/W0D
- SOTA summits in Minnesota: https://summits.sota.org.uk/association/K0M
- Getting started with SOTA: http://www.pnwsota.org/content/getting-started-sota
- SOTA Minnesota association reference manual: https://sotastore.blob.core.windows.net/arms/ARM-K0M.pdf
- Joining in with SOTA: https://www.sota.org.uk/Joining-In
- How to activate a SOTA peak: http://www.pnwsota.org/sites/pnwsota.org/files/How%20to%20Activate%20a%20SOTA%20Peak.pdf
- Minnesota county high points: https://www.peakbagger.com/list.aspx?lid=13407