. . . is usually my most productive day. Today was no exception:
I am excited about paleontology again.
Not just any paleontology, not the random idea of paleontology, but the stuff I’m actually reading about. It’s fun! Just like italics are fun. I actually know what is going on, and the fact that I know more about the world than I did this morning fills me with joy. I may be going over the top, but it was a realization to me that here I am, tired and with a headache, a point at which I would consider a nap more appropriate than reading a paper on a subject I know nothing about, but I’m reading this paper, and I am enjoying it.
The problem, I think, comes from trying to read too fast. You just can’t digest things quickly, things like paleontology papers. This one is within my comprehension, and even though I usually hate [why such a strong word? 2014-03-05] reading about stratigraphy, I was paying attention and thinking about it all, and how it all went together. It took me a couple hours, but it was worth it.
Now if I can find a way to be able to focus this much all the time and have time for cycling and/or running (although I prefer the former, of course), things will be right with the world again.
There is a cycling race here on the 29th I believe. There is also a road race, just in case I’m wrong about the cycling. Prizes and everything. Who knows, maybe I’m good for something after all 😀