How to ignore Port on the Grand Forks Herald website

(Updated 2022-11-10) If you really don’t care what Rob Port has to say, here’s a Greasemonkey script to hide his articles from appearing on the Grand Forks Herald website:

// ==UserScript==
// @name _Remove Port
// @include*
// @require
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
//- The @grant directive is needed to restore the proper sandbox.

/*--- Use the jQuery contains selector to find content to remove.
Beware that not all whitespace is as it appears.

$(".PromoA:contains('Plain Talk:')").remove();
$(".PromoB:contains('Plain Talk:')").remove();
$(".PromoC:contains('Plain Talk:')").remove();
$(".PromoF:contains('Plain Talk:')").remove();
$(".PromoLatestNews:contains('Plain Talk:')").remove();

//-- Or use badDivs.hide(); to just hide the content.

Taken almost entirely from

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